The Plan



Help us build Jaro!
Jaro is the Czech word for spring.

On her birthday, we will be in the Czech Republic, working hard on the revival of our old barn, that we plan to turn into a new, sustainable space for future workshops and residencies.

We want the barn to be an extension of our yearly summer Dhrupad workshops, but we also want to offer other musicians, visual artists and researchers room to develop their projects.

For this big project, we were planning a proper crowdfunding to (partly) cover the investment.

But, me and my dad felt like my mother's birthday would be a great starting point to substantiate the financial backing.

Hereby, we invite you all to be part of a collective gift of donations to start up our project and realize my mom’s dream.

If you don't want to join, don't worry! However, any amount of money will be welcome. Especially in the context of my mother’s birthday; the more people join, the bigger the surprise will be, regardless of the amount.

If you do want to join, please take a look at our website for all the information:

We will be forever grateful.

You can always forward this email to anyone who wishes to join (I am probably forgetting people).

Feel free to contact me (+316 81231323) if you have a question.

One last thing; please make sure to delete/destroy/burn/hide this email before my mom finds out.

This summer, on the 8th of August, my mother, Marianne, will turn 60.

My dad and I felt like my mother's birthday would be a great starting point to substantiate the financial backing for Jaro.

If you donate before her birthday, your donation will be part of a collective surprise of first donations!

(don't tell her!)

- Milah